Wednesday, May 16, 2012

This Is All I can Say

The reason for me to still keep my second pregnancy as secret is..
not all people understand and accept it with open mind..

They will say this and that bla bla bla like they know everything in and out..
But it hurts..and it let me down..
Cukuplah Doctor Leela je yang membebel kat aku pasal ni..
Jangan lah tambah bebelan itu, makcik-makcik sekalian..

It wasn't easy for me to be the only child in my family. Lonely and boring..
Face everything by my own without company..
Sometimes i talked to the mirror assuming that the person i looked at is my sister..

I'm scared it will happen to Allysha..
So what's the matter if I dont plan my second pregnancy peeps?

So when they question and say something not really nice to be heard..
this I tell them :

Rezeki dari Allah swt..Kita hanya merancang, Allah yang menentukan..
So kalau rancang baeeekk camne pun, bila Allah swt nak bagi Dia tetap akan bagi dan bila Allah nak tarik pun sekelip mata je semua hilang. Takkan ikut timeline/target kita dah. 
So bersyukurlah atas segalanya, as long as u can.. 

It is how u appreciate something and turns the thing into pleasure..
Sesungguhnya Allah perancang terhebat untuk hambaNya. Allah lebih mengetahui apa yang sesuai untuk kita..hanya perlu berusaha untuk menjalankan segala tanggungjawab sebaik mungkin.  Insyaallah..  ; )

Betul tak?


Sh@MytO said...

Betul sgt...
anak tu rezeki..juga pembawa rezeki..
dulu aku x caye..after dpt Danial byk rezeki masuk..n adik Danial dlm perut ni pn dah dtgkan rezeki utk mama n ayah die..

let people say what they want...coz in the end..ko yg dpt hikmah lain tgk jer..

Adila said...

whatttt???ko pun expect 2nd ke?heee..alhamdulillah..tu la aku harap sgt semua org faham..

shikin si mama iman said...

Dila, b4 this jd silent reader je..suke folo sbb anak lbh krg harini nk komen sbb we are in the same worst case sbb besalin 9 bulan dah lekat :p ape2 pon alhamdulilah rezki..n keep talking to positive ppl to bring up the positive mind in us..ckp2 negative anggap mcm org dengki je..chill..good luck on ur 2nd pregnancy :)

shikin si mama iman said...

Dila, b4 this jd silent reader je..suke folo sbb anak lbh krg harini nk komen sbb we are in the same worst case sbb besalin 9 bulan dah lekat :p ape2 pon alhamdulilah rezki..n keep talking to positive ppl to bring up the positive mind in us..ckp2 negative anggap mcm org dengki je..chill..good luck on ur 2nd pregnancy :)

Siti Nursyahidah Mohamad Khalil said...

omg dila, i tot lepas marriage, dah xde ppl question this and that.ade okayyy? eh why not.even i dont get married yet, i oso want so many kids as possible.haha.keep on doing what you're doing.ignore them :p

Adila said...

shikin..thanks a lot..oh sbb 1st ceaser lg la ramai sgt membebel kan.pedih je dgr..i hv a friend whom get pregnant again after 10month ceaser for 1st baby..alhamdulillah yg 2nd blh plk normal..yg pntg +ve n dpt support dr lain tu, biarlah..die xtau rezeki yg kite syukuri ni..

Adila said...

syida..ADE! ADE SGT! x kahwin sebok tanya bila nak kawin..dah kawin sebok tanya bila nak dpt anak..dah dpt anak sebok tanya bila nak dpt 2nd 3rd plk..(my mom sampai nak muntah kne tanya 'takkan sorg je anak kooooo...')..bila pregnant dekat2, kata macam2 plk..macam la kite ni mengandung belum nikah..susah tul nak puaskan hati org..xphm ke semua tu ketentuan abaikan je n xpyh la susah2 nak jwb..haha..

Siti Nursyahidah Mohamad Khalil said...

haha.ternyata ketensionan smlm (sbb org tnye bla nk kwen) hnyelah permulaan shja..