I don’t really got time to blog since I started my study
last Feb.
Not as much as before that. Kadang-kadang jarang-jarang, kata Nujum
Pak Belalang. Parenting tips pun dah tak banyak. Petua petui pun dah takde.
buat keje skolah pun tak sempat, ada hati nak menaip kat blog pulak kan.
rotan nanti. Maka jadi lah ia blog sendu yang berabuk.
I received emails from readers (all mommies) whom asking about my journey
as a part time student. They were asking about tips, advice, and opinions. Seriously, I
ols terharu. Terima kasih kerana sudi membaca cerita saya yang ntah pape ini,
dan sudi bertanya lebih dari itu. But I am just an ordinary mommy.
Who am I to
give an advice to others whom I never met in person?
But then, I appreciate it
and I’m so glad to share my experience.
And I don’t have any problem to share more
than that if you need it.
But due to time constraints, I cant keep on replying your mails.
Tak balas bukan bermakna saya taknak layan ye puan-puan.
Tapi saya busy sikit dan mungkin juga saya dah tak tau nak reply apa hahah.
Tapi sayang sayang puan-puan semuaaaa!!(tetibe)
most frequent ask questions are:
tak belajar part time?
duit sendiri ke buat loan?
Better sambung belajar sekarang ke atau tunggu anak dah besar?
Boleh score ke sebab takde masa nak study?
And so on. There were lot more but those are the most famous questions. Hehe..
Let me answer roughly here.
Iye,memang penat. Kadang-kadang rasa teramat penat.
1/2 sponsor, half from my own saving.
It depends on your goal and the purpose of further study.
Yes you can. It depends on how you manage your 24/7.
For further explanation, inshaAllah soon.
Next entry boleh tak? hehe.
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