Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Petua Bayi Demam / Tips to Reduce Baby's Fever Naturally

Sejukkan Badan.

Yes for me that's the only way to reduce the temperature.
Berusahalah untuk sejukkan badan anak sekerap mungkin.

Aisy demam dari hari selasa tengah malam.
Ni first time Aisy demam. Before this just flu / cough saja.
Terkejut bila terjaga tengah malam, belakang badan Aisy sangat panas.
Check thermo, it was 37.7'. Lelaju pegi clinic pukul 3 pagi.
Cam biasa, dah agak, Dr bagi ubat fever, flu, cough, antibiotic.
Consultation nan hado. Sebab dia tak sabar nak tdo balik agaknya.

Sampai rumah, tuam Aisy dengan towel basah. 
Pukul 8 pagi hari Selasa, badan Aisy dah normal ke 36.8' Alhamdulillah.
Tapi husband insist nak bagi ubat demam jugak.
(I hate giving medicine to my kids. Bukan elok pun ubat-ubat tu untuk infant body system as explained by Dr Hisham tapi tu lah..bila tengok anak demam camtu, terasa cam kena bagi ubat jugak sebab takut terlambat ke apa ke haihh)

Balik rumah petang Selasa, Aisy dah ok sket kot.
Temperature 37.5' tapi bila tdo dan terjaga tengah malam Rabu tu jadi 38' plk.
Memang ramai kata temperature selalu naik time tengah malam.
Nasib baik papa rajin lap Aisy dengan towel basah.
Mommy tak boleh nak buat ape lah sebab Aisy nak melekat je ngan Mommy dia.Sian Aisy. Oh sian kakak jugak tak dapat shleep ngan kitorang sebab nak elak terberjangkit kat kakak dia pulak. Beria kakak ketuk pintu panggil Mommy nak lepak ngan Mommy tapi Papa tak bagi kakak masuk bilik sebab adik need a good rest. Sooo sorry kakak.

Tengah malam tadi temperature Aisy jadi 39' pulak.
This time we have no choice but to give him an antibiotic. Duh! Terpaksa.
Sambil lap lap badan dia, baca selawat syifa banyak-banyak.
Aisy is a cheerful baby. Kuat gelak kuat sengih kuat main.
Bila tengok dia melepek, merengek. keluar air mata, Mommy pun sebak tau.
Aisy taknak dengan orang lain tapi nak Mommy je. Alalallaaaa..
Sekarang ni tengah nerusaha nak lap Aisy dengan kain basah lebih kerap lagi.
Because we do notice that his temp decrease to almost normal after that.

Ok here the summary of tips to reduce baby's fever naturally:

1. Place a cool washcloth/towel on baby's forehead while they rest.
Kalau senang guna cool fever je. Tapi coolfever pun cepat je keringnya. 
So basahkan je towel dan letak kat dahi/kepala anak.

2. Cool water baby massage.
Lap badan anak dengan kain basah sekerap mungkin sambil urut-urut sikit tangan, kaki dan belakang badan. urutan lembut membuatkan anak kita lebih tenang dan rasa selesa..
Lagi bagus kalau air asam jawa supaya lebih cepat panas badan tu berkurang.

3. Remove layers of clothing.
Jangan pakaikan baju tebal atau tak perlu selimutkan anak ye mak-mak.
So our baby could lose heat more easily through their skin.
Ada yang tengok baby demam dan simply ingat baby sejuk dan pelu diselubungkan.
No no no..kalau boleh, biar tinggal pakai diaper je. But with a medium speed fan la.
Kang kalau duduk bilik aircond, pastu biar dia togel, jadi bertambah selsema pulak anak tu.

4. Offer frequent breastfeed.
I dont have to offer Aisy. Dia yang akan cari Mommy nak melekat je.
Takpe Aisy, minum la breastmilk banyak-banyak ye sayang.
Tu la ubat yang paling mujarab anugerah Allah swt.

Ok, so far ni lah petua yang kami amalkan bila anak demam since Allysha baby dulu.
Alhamdulillah anak-anak kami jarang demam (syukur pada mu ya Allah atas nikmat kesihatan yang diberikan kepqada anak-anak kami) tapi bila sesekali demam camni, memang nervoussss because we are always trying to avoid any medicine from clinic since the Dr itself once revealed that he never gave his kids any antibiotic or fever syrup as it has a long term effect for the brain and body system. 

Jangan lupa bacakan selawat syifa pada anak sekerap mungkin dan berdoa banyak-banyak supaya anak cepat sembuh ok. InshaAllah.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

When Allysha Goes Shopping

Mommy and papa decided to buy new flats for Allsyha.
This time we allowed her to choose.

At first, she want that silver flats.

Then she looked at other choices.

She want red polka dot.

Before that she had picked green and blue.

Then she want red.

'Papa..Allsyha macam rambang mata je pa. Tadi nak lain. Sekarang nak lain. 
Ni tengah tengok yang lain pulak.' tanya mommy kehairanan.

'Ikut perangai mommy dia la..' lancar je bapak explain.


The Example of My Busy Weekend

I told friends and family that I am busy during weekend now.
I have proof.
(perlu ke tunjuk bukti? eh harussslah.. hiks)

For example, on last 27th & 28th of April 2013.

As usual got classes every Saturday but I have to skipped it 
and attend company's performance review meeting. 
(it was a must, as I already missed few meetings before that)

Meeting was held at Park Royal, KL.

The meeting went well.

It was the first time, the three of us together emceeing an event.
They said, they like it. Trio Manja katanyaa.. Manja tang mana ntah.heee..

I tought its gonnna be okay to skip classes as I never ponteng before that tau.
Siap upload a lunch pic like this.

Suddenly I got what's app message from classmate
'Huii sedapnya lunch. kitorang kenyang makan case study'
'Whattttt??? Case study? '
'Yela ni case study yang carry individual mark tu. tak inform Dr. ke ko tak datang class?'

They post a presentation pic some more!
Ok I forgot to inform lecturer and I forgot that day was supposed to be a 
case study presentation which carry 20% marks for the final!

Tetiba terdiam dan termenung.Terus rasa nervous yang teramat sangat.
What gonna happen with my mark? I lost my mark??
Yela, kita tak pernah ponteng. Tapi terlupa pulak nak bagitau lecturer. 
Pastu time kita ponteng la baru ada case study la, individual carry mark la hape la.. 
Mak strressssss nok!

Rasa nak terbang pegi UKM time tu jugak.
Tapi takkan nak tinggal meeting camtu je. Aaaaaaa..
Why? Why? Why?!

Pompan yang happy makan sate tadi tetibe emo.
Emo gila sampai tak boleh focus meeting dah.

At 5pm, I decided to shoot to UKM (class ended at 630-7pm)
Funny thing is, I dont have enough money to pay the blue cab. 
(Blue cab sangat cekik darah. Dari Park Royal ke Titiwangsa, meter dia dah RM30++)
That meter machine was like jackpot. ting ting ting!

'Sir, to be honest. I only have RM20 in my purse. I expect to take the red cab 
but then u asked me to come in. I already told you that I only have RM20. 
You said gonna cost me around RM20-rm25 only'

'It's ok, take my card, you can pay later' said the taxi driver.

Kan..dah ter berhutang dengan taxi driver pulak dahh.
Tapi nasib baik sangat lah dia nak hantar aku.
Kalau tak, memang tak sampai la UKM sebab taxi merah tak nak lalu Jalan Tun Razak 
yang jammed. Cis, tak baik tolak rezeki tau u ols.

Managed to catch up the last class and submit project proper that day.
Phew syukur. Rasa lega hanya Allah yang tahu.

After finished at UKM, hubby fetched me and we went for dinner at our friend's restaurant. My body was really tired, feet was aching. 
But soon after seeing Aisy, recharge!

At 10pm, got text message from my mom pulak
'Ya, tak pergi kenduri mak usu esok ke? Dah lama tak jumpa saudara kat Klang. 
Asyik balik Melaka jeee'
Gulp lagi. Damn. Tomorrow is the kenduri? Aduh..dah ada gaya cam nak kecik ati je tu.
I got classes also on that Sunday. Camne ni..

At 12am, we reached Rawang. I decided to attend the kenduri and skip classes.
Tak sampai hati okeh. Dah sebulan tak balik takut mak kecik hati ke sedih ke pastu nanti jadi susah urusan yang lain. Yes, I am type of person who still believe parents' restu for everything although I'm already married. 

We were at Klang until 2pm on that Sunday.

After that, we shoot to Melaka to fetch Allysha and Mama.

Rewarded my tired weekend with this most famous coconut milkshake in Melaka.
Yay! Kiss hubby along the way because he managed to find the correct place haha.

Reached Ampang at 1 am in the Monday morning.
Woke up at 6 am and went to work as usual.

Begitulah contoh weekend yang busy dan rushing ke sana sini.
Tudung tu siap pakai dua hari yang sama sampai naik masamm dah baunya sebab memang tak sempat nak packing barang la hapa la. Pakai apa yang ada je hehe..

Sekian, terima kasih.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

The most hectic 14 weeks

Assalammualaikum. Hi!


By submitting this final project paper for semester 1 to lecturer tomorrow,
it means that my semester 1 is




I couldn't believe that. i couldn't.
It wasn't that easy man.

My life goes upside down.
I enjoyed the journey at the beginning.
But from 8th week, I started to get restless night.
Sleep at 11pm and wake up at 3 am,
then nap at 6am and wake up to work at 630 am.
I had to drink coffee every morning to keep me awake.

Assignments, presentations, case study, project papers

Sometimes I regret, but actually I don't.
I value this experience.
I don't really care about the result.
What I appreciate the most is my efforts.

Now I have two weeks to Qada' what I have missed for the last 14 weeks.
I cant cover it all but at least some of them.

Let's start with dinner with parents tonight.
Oh and a family holiday. 
Just me, husband and kids.

Monday, May 20, 2013


'Islamic Relief Malaysia menghadapi cabaran untuk mendapatkan bekalan minyak botol 2kg sebanyak 7000 botol sebelum 12 Julai 2013. Kami tidak dapat membeli dari pembekal dengan kuantiti yang banyak memandangkan barangan minyak merupakan barangan kawalan. Pembelian minyak dihadkan untuk setiap pembelian.

Oleh itu, Islamic Relief Malaysia memerlukan bantuan anda untuk mendermakan minyak botol 2kg kepada kami. Minyak boleh dihantarkan ke alamat

A-05-G, Paragon Point, Jalan Medan PB5, Seksyen 9, Pusat Bandar, 43650 Bangi, Malaysia.

Kami harap dapat meringakan beban penerima manfaat pada bulan Ramadhan yang mulia ini dan kami harap ADILA dapat juga turut serta.

Tulus Ikhlas dari,
Islamic Relief Malaysia'