Thursday, October 17, 2013

Tips To Stay With In Laws

Amaran: Title je english tapi entry malay hahaha.

Ramai tanya.

‘Apa tips stay dengan in laws?’

Selama ni malas nak jawab.

Tapi bila classmate, Sal yang tanya, ada rasa nak jawab sebab aku nak dia yang bakal ditinggalkan husband yang kerja kat France berbulan-bulan dan kena stay dengan in laws, tahu apa nasihat aku. Terpulang pada dia nak follow atau tidak.

Ni yang aku share dengan dia.

First: Jangan buat assumptions. 
Aku tak suka orang assume aku sedang beremosi apa. Sebab aku pun tak suka nak assume orang sedang berperasaan apa. Fikir positive, yang baik-baik saja. Jangan sebok nak fikir orang ni suka kita atau tak, orang tu ikhlas dengan kita atau tak, diorang benci kita ke marah kita ke apa ke. Jangan buang masa fikir bukan-bukan. Buat tak faham. Buat bodoh. Atau buat pandai. Suka hati. As long as untuk ketenangan diri sendiri. 
Tenang fikiran kita, tenang hati kita.

Second:Jaga hubungan dengan suami. 
Suami kita, kesayangan mereka. Baik kita jaga hati dan keperluan suami kita, inshaAllah baik juga mereka layan kita (tak termasuk scene drama samarinda yang mak mertua ipar duai semua jahat belaka maka kesian sungguh lah menantu itew). 

Third:Buat apa yang patut, hanya yang patut. 
Aku jarang masak. Tapi aku tak mensepahkan dapur. Aku jarang nak spend time huha huha dengan diorang. Apatah lagi nak share dengan diorang segala cerita luar dalam (of course aku bukan menantu/ipar favourite but I don’t care). At least aku bukan jenis yang suka propa atau mengadu domba. And believe me one day they will appreciate you for that.

Itu saja. Senang tak? Only three tips.
Three years three months and counting, I still survive. Alhamdulillah. 

Tapi ultimate tips ialah, berdoa banyak-banyak pada Allah supaya hubungan kita dengan orang sekeliling baik-baik saja disamping usaha untuk tidak menyakitkan hati orang lain.

In before, MIL saya sangat baik. I love her so much no matter what! Syukurrr..

Tuesday, October 08, 2013

Snorkeling in Sabah

When I first visited Kota Kinabalu about 6 years ago with two dear friends of mine, 
I was immediately fell in love with all the things Sabah could offer. 
I am so in love with Tg Aru, Poring, Ranau, Kundasang, Karambunai, Sandakan, and many more great great places we managed to visit seems so hard to forget.
We really had so much fun. The proof : we captured about 4000 pictures for our 4 days stay hahahahha. 1000 pictures a day!

From the food, the nature, the mount, the beach and of course the most memorable was the island! My first experience snorkeling and island hoping in Sapi, Manukan and Mamutik really really made me feel touched and overwhelmed. I even cried in the water watching the fishes and cute marine life. The underwater, soooo beautiful.
Is that really a clown fish? The nemo we saw in movie? Seriously? Nemo was playing hide and seek with us! we were so excited and cried. Sebab terharu.
And then we saw a big stingray and even a turtle. We cried more. Ahahahah. 
A big group of colorful fishes were following us everywhere we went, because we are holding some food in a bottle. we feel like dreaming. 

I couldn't stop when talking about my snorkeling experience in KK.
We were so lucky because our tour guide pull us to the places which full with beautiful corals and loads of cute fishes. It was quit far from the shore as many people without tour guide would never reach the point due to safety factor.

Alhamdulillah we were so lucky.
Our first snorkeling experience went well. Very very well.

Because I was so in love with the island, I came again alone in 2009. 
Yes alone. and did the same activities. 

Then when my fiance (now is my husband of course hehe) asked the place I wish to go for our honeymoon, I couldn't think other than KK. The intention was I want to share my experience and I want him to see what I saw. The beautiful Sabah.

And now...I want more.

The place that always crossed to my mind.

To swim with the colorful fishes.

See the beautiful corals.

Crystal clear blue green water.

Mabul, see you in April 2014!!!!
Hope to snorkel at Kapalai as well.


Thanks AA for the cheap flight ticket! hehe.

Ya Allah, panjangkan umurku, izinkan ku untuk melihat indah dunia ciptaan Mu disana. Amin.