Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Princess Zahra

She's the kind of girl whom will tuck herself into bed 
and put on her safety blanket before sleep. 

Because she understood that mommy will always stuck with adik 
and papa sometimes fell asleep early. 

Thanks kakak for being so understanding and managed to take care of yourself. 
I love u. We love you. Everybody loves you. 
Forever my baby girl, princess..

Sunday, March 16, 2014

We are the Pancake Lover

Yes, we are!

"As we love it. With caramel sauce + peach + blueberry + strawberry + apple + banana + walnut + m&m = yummy!! "
(taken at Paddington House of Pancakes)

The Journey is Getting Harder

Assalammualaikum wbt. Hi u ols!.

Sebab takde masa nak update blog, so kita share ig k.
So takla blog i ols sendu je. Hehee..

"We are in the middle of 4th sem now. 
It is getting harder and tougher as lots of project paper, case study, 
research, quizzes coming up. Letihh melayan sume ni. 
Kalau tengah ada 5 keje skolah nak kena buat, baru siap 3, 
dah lecturer2 tambah lagi 2 pastu tambah lagi dan lagi every week. 

Yang last2 week punya pun x present/belum submit lagi dah tambah yang lain2 pulak haih. Kalau sorang2 memang surrender. Ni pun ramai dah quit. 
Dari 25 orang classmate tinggal 17 je. 

Kuatkan semangat kami ya Allah. Rabbi Yassir.  Permudahkanlah. 
Jadikan kami bijak membahagi masa. Amin. InshaaAllah. 
#whenmentalsaysokbutbodysaysno #parttimestudenttapicamfulltime #workingandstudyingmommy #iloveitbytheway #lifegoal"
(taken at Tazkirah Jumaat )