How do you travelling with your baby
in a car?
Adakah anda duduk depan sambil dukung baby? Atau anda duduk belakang
bersama baby? Atau anda anda bibik untuk pegangkan baby semasa dalam kereta ke
mana saja anda pergi? (untunglaahh) Atau baby anda duduk dalam car seat? Untuk
safety, sila lah letak anak dalam car seat dia sendiri. To reduce the impact if
accident happened.

Many babies fall asleep the minute you start the engine and drive. Kebanyakan baby memang layan sangat kalau naik kereta ni. Maybe because of the vibration and cosy environment. Tak kira lah dukung atau letak dalam car seat..However, some babies seem to hate being in their car seat, fussing and crying the entire time. The situation getting worse to handle when baby begins to become more active. matter how much your baby fusses, you have no choice but to put him into the car seat when travelling hokey.
Kitorang dah ajar Allysha duduk dalam car seat since habis pantang dulu lagi.
Pergi mana-mana dia mesti kena duduk dalam car seat. Dia merengek ke menangis ke mengamuk ke kitorang biar je dia dalam tu. Unless nak bf lah. Pastu letak balik..
So Allysha getting used to sit inside the car seat. Alhamdulillah..
Easy for mommy and papa when driving alone with her
(well..i never drive alone with Allysha haha still tak berani weh).
How to do that?
As I mentioned above..just let the baby inside the car seat no matter how he/she tried to get your attention..Kalau rasa dia nangis sebab taknak duduk dalam car seat tu atas sebab saje-saje, sila jangan terpedaya dan buat tak tau je lah…
Tapi tengok-tengok la jugak kan mane tau dia tak selesa ke hape ke..
Ni sebab husband cuba mencontohi cousin dia yang sampai anak dia umur 4 tahun pun still boleh redha duduk atas car seat. Bila dah besar sikit, dia sentiasa ajar anak fasten seatbelt. Kagum betul tengok budak umur 4 tahun masuk kereta, fasten seatbelt tanpa disuruh. Tu la yang husband nak apply sangat kat anak-anak kitorang. Yelah, safety first..
Instructions :
Distract your baby. If baby cries as soon as you put him in the seat,
try to keep them entertained while you strap them in. Sing a song or let them hold
a favorite toy.
Kami memang standby beberapa toys Allysha dalam kereta dan
gantung kat tempat dia..
Senang bila nak masukkan dalam car seat, dia dah sebok nak amik toys dia tu.
So pe lagi, strap la cecepat! Haha..
Make sure your baby is comfortable in the seat. Check that the straps
are not too tight. If your baby is small, purchase special car-seat inserts
that will stop them from sliding around in the seat. Masa Allysha kecik lagi,
kitorang alas dalam car seat dia dengan bantal untuk bagi tinggi sikit dan dia pun lebih selesa..
Block the sun. Many babies are upset by the sun shining in their eyes.
Use the canopy on the car seat to block out sunlight.
Tapi jangan sampai tak
perasan yang baby dalam car seat tu tengah panas pulak.
Make sure aircond juga
kena dekat baby..Makpak panas takpe asalkan baby selesa..
Entertain your baby while you're in the car. Play upbeat music. Sing and
talk to your baby while you are on the road. Kitorang suka main nyanyi2 dgn
Allysha..nanti die pun tersengih2 dengar suara makpak dia yang tak sedap langsung
Have someone sit in the back with your baby. When there are two adults
in the car, have one ride beside the baby. He will be entertained and reassured
by another person. Mommy jadi mem besar since ada Allysha sebab Allysha duduk
depan sebelah papa, mommy duduk belakang. So Allysha tak la boring sangat sebab dia boleh nampak mommy dan papa dia.. Mommy pun boleh baring-baring kat seat belakang. Ewah
Bring the car seat into the house. You may be able to get your baby used
to the seat by strapping her into it and showering her with attention and praise.
Do this for short intervals until she gets used to being in the seat.
umur Allysha 6 bulan kitorang letak dia dalam car seat masa tengah tengok tv
kat rumah. Kalau tido pun kadang-kadang letak dalam car seat supaya dia memang terbiasa dengan car seat tu..Car seat ku syorgaku..
Happy baby in her car seat.
Thank you so much Allysha for being good with it all this while..
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