Showing posts with label DIY. Show all posts
Showing posts with label DIY. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

DIY Stress Relief Massage

Woke up late this morning.
Not because of Allysha but due to massage treatment from husband last night.
Fell asleep like a baby. How good if today is Sunday.
Ni kena bangun pergi keje pulak! Alaaaa..

FYI, hubby and me love face/body massage so much. Who doesn't?
But..we cant afford for a spa treatment every week. Ingat kau mak datin?
Every month? pun tak..Few times in a year je.
Tu pun pegi spa yang ada discount kat Groupon.

To save money and spent it to buy Allysha's diapers,
 we massage each other. Take turns.
Alah bukan susah pun, tiru je therapist yang urut kita kat spa tu.
Tak pun, search kat youtube jelah. Macam-macam style ada. relief..bestnye..
tetibe berangan nak bukak business spa bila ada duit lebih suatu hari nanti. berangan jela.

The benefits of face/body massage:
Stress Relief - massage decreases the cortisol which is a stress hormone produced by prolonged stress.  Because about 70% of illness is caused by stress, massage is a great way to handle ones stress.
Relaxation - massage increases the serotonin levels.  Increased serotonin helps one to relax, makes one feel calm and regulates the mood.
Reduce Pain - massage stimulates the endorphins, helps relieve pain and gives the feeling of euphoria.
Improves Circulation -  circulates the blood and lymph.  Strengthens the immune system.
Blood Pressure - massage helps to lower blood pressure.

Relaxing the whole body
Reducing tension
Loosening tight, tired and aching muscles
Helping to relieve pain
Assisting in recovery from illness or injury, by boosting the immune system
Alleviating anxiety
Reducing stress and encouraging restful sleep

Things you'll need:

Essential Oil - We usually use the spa wisdom massage oil byThe Body Shop.

Add on minyak yuyee for better effect. Kalau takde, guna johnson's baby oil pun ok.
Jangan guna minyak gamat sudey..Bau takleh blah.

Massage bed - Memang takde la kat rumah. So baring jela atas katil dan guna bantal kecil je untuk make sure kepala sedikit mendongak supaya leher dan tulang belakang betul-betul lurus. Macam baring tak pakai bantal la.

Music -  Kalau nak feel spa sangat, boleh la on lagu-lagu classical tu kan. 
Jangan la layan radio pulak.Tak feel la kang. Pastu kalau boleh jangan bercakap. 
Avoid membebel atau bercerita perkara tak best.
Nak cerita, kemudian. BIar yang diurut tu layan mimpi dia sendiri.

Massage Therapist - Sape lagi? Diri sendiri la. Pastu gilir-gilir ngan partner.

 I selalu nak urut dulu then baru turn diurut supaya boleh terus tidur dengan syoknye. 
Tapi husband tak setuju sebab dia pun nak terus tidur. 
So kitorang kena wan-tu-jus untuk tentukan siapa yang kena urut dulu.
Husband sangat teror main jus sehingga dia yang selalu menang. Cis!

Steps for face massage : 

To start massage from the neck with smooth movement and always upward. Use your thumbs / fingertips and follow arrows in the pictures below.

Focus on the nose between eyes, eyebrows and forehead. 
Kalau boleh urut, gentel, picit, tekan kuat sikit kat bahagian batang hidung, kening dan tepi dahi untuk melegakan pening dan sakit kepala.
Repeat for 15-20 minutes. Memang sangat syok sampai tertidur dibuatnya.

Steps for body massage :
Ikut lah petua Ustazah Norbahiyah.
Teknik cakaran harimau ke labah-labah ke.
Nama urutan macam blu je, walhal tak. Sangat berkesan dan melegakan okeh. 
Sapu minyak lebih sikit supaya senang nak urut.
Repeat for 15-20 minutes. Memang sangat syok sampai taknak terima kenyataan bahawa masa dah tamat. Kalau pandai pujuk mesti dapat masa tambahan. 

Suami suka, isteri pun suka. Wah! gitew..
Suka la sebab hilang sakit-sakit belakang sakit tengkuk sakit bahu bagai.
Dapat jimat duit dan mengeratkan hubungan suami isteri. Eceh.

Selamat mencubaaaa!

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Father's Day DIY Card

Mommy and daughter had secret project last Saturday.
Papa usually wake up so late on weekend.
So we had our time together at the living room to make a DIY card for father's day.
It took only 20-30 minutes to prepare the card.
But it became 2-3 hours when you have a little lady boss to get involve.
Haih.. Penat nak kemas rumah.

Beautiful girl ready to start the project.

The idea was to have a photo of Allysha..

..holding words.. she wrote it..

by herself like this..

Then print the pictures and paste it on hard cover paper.

Recycle is better. Just use any magazine cover ok.
Fold nicely with own creativity.
We all buat card yang 4 muka. So boleh fold 2 kali.

Bila lipat hujung kiri dan hujung kanan, jadi dua muka je camni.
Then print any suitable words from the internet and paste it.

This is the card cover. Final step.
Tie it with a cute ribbon.

Ok tak?

Yay! berjaya buat surprise utk papa dia.
He like it so much.
(At first risau je, ntah2 sampai ke sudah papa tak perasan ada present untuk dia. Ceh)

Thursday, December 15, 2011

DIY : How to Make Your Own Photo Frames

Memang sengaja blurkan

Haha. Tengok lah frames DIY 1st collection kita ni. Tak senonoh. Tengah je ok. Yang kiri kanan hampeh. Failed to survive over a year. Ish ish ish..

But seriously, kita memang minat DIY. Cuma macam takde masa je. Ke malas kemas lepas buat kecah? Hehe.

Time buat ni baru kahwin. Stil working as a banker at that time. Off on weekdays.
Orang keje kita tak keje. Orang tak keje, kita keje.
Selalu kena perli "Ba**la pun cuti la sabtu ahad!"

Cis!So takde apa nak buat kat rumah, kita pun korek-korek la segala khazanah hubby yang ada. Cukup untuk buat keje keras tangan ni.

Hasilnya..taraaaa!! Yang tertanggal-tanggal cam dalam gambar tu la. Erk!
Ape la ada side yang lekang, tercabut, etc. Buruk wall kita.
Sebab buat mula-mula tu maybe glue tak kuat sangat atau salah method. Hehe.
Tak boleh jadi ni. Kena beli additional items.

Hasilnya..taraaa!! Macam frames yang dua column kat tengah tu.
Dah try buat kali yang ke6 / ke7 baru la dapat yang elok sket.
Ok la tu. Practice make perfect!

Most importante, kita guna barang-barang recycle je.

How to do it?In easiest way?
Coming soon babeh..