Travel date : 5-7 March 2012.
Travel buddies : Me & family, Ilyia & family, Ami & family.
Was stay at : Fave Hotel, Cenang Beach.
Itinerary : As mentioned in previous post.
Cant't believe we finally make it to have a triple honeymoon.
Bukan senang nak gather kan sume orang yang ala-ala busy nih.
But we just go for it!
Langkawi is really the best place to start.
With hubby, kids, bff, beautiful islands, breathtaking views, shopping heaven, etc
what else do women needs?
Syukur Alhamdulillah (",)
6 March 2012, 9.00 am.
The view from hotel cafe.
Syoknye breakfast sambil tengok view cantik camni.
Allysha pun dan dan nak milk die jgk.
Oh, actually ni dah second day kan.
First day memang tak on camera langsung sebab rasa sangat penat.
Tak tau la apa yang dipenatkan. Walhal naik flight 40 minutes je.
This is the hotel. And the viva.
Kalau nak sewa kereta, memang untung la amik viva je
sebab rate sehari dalam RM50-60 only k.
Petrol pun sangat save. Lenjan dua hari, luak RM20 je kau.
Our first destinantion after having breakfast.
Tak sabar-sabar sangat nak naik Panorama Cable Car!
Lucky we been there on Tuesday so just 10 minutes q.
Last time pergi masa 2008, kena q sampai almost 1 hour. Hadoiiii..Dah la sangat panas.
So tips untuk holiday yang best, pergi la time weekdays. Bukan school hols ya.
Tak payah nak buang masa beratur dengan orang yang sangat ramai.
The rate is RM15 for adult. RM10 for kids.
Need to present MyKad and MyKid to get this price.
Going up!
Ami cant wait to reach the top.
Ilyia so excited yet nervous as this was her first time
and dia memang gayat tinggi.
Me? Seriau tengok anak-anak Ilyia sorang main lompat-lompat,
sorang gerak sane gerak sini sampai berjoget-joget cable car kitorang. Eeee..
Allysha pun boleh tahan la tak reti duk diam nyeeee.
This is the first stop. Hujan renyai tapi nak jugak gambar dengan sign tu.
So pakai payung Ilyia by turn.
Memang tak nampak apa sangat pun sebab kabus tebal.
Ni pun nampak putih je hehe.
At the top!
Mother-daughter enjoy the beautiful view.
Allysha cam faham je. Cantik kan Allysha? Haha cutey.
Nasib baik beli topi comel itu kat bawah.
After 20 minutes baru la makin lama makin cerah.
Cant get enough fresh air to breath.
Kalau boleh tapau bawak balik fresh air ni kan best.
Sangat cantik!
Allysha dah tak tahan nak tido la tuh.
Sejuk-sejuk ni memang la dia suka kan.
My second visit to Gunung Mat Cincang.
Still beautiful and breathtaking like before.
Syukur ya Allah. Masih berpeluang nak tengok keindahan ciptaan Tuhan.
Kalau bukak tingkap bilik kat rumah boleh nampak ini kan bestttt..
There were only us and foreigners.
Aman damai je rasa, tempat ini kami yang punyaaaaaaaa..
Love this!
This also.
And this.
And this this this!
But my most love is this. Haha sila geli.
A must photo drama.
Ala romantika sket please!
This is better. Heee..
Yes, papa take over Allysha!
Masa ni belum tau natijah dukung Allysha lama-lama sampai sekarang sakit tangan.
Iman memang suka buat aksi berbahaya.
Terjerit-jerit panggil nama die je.
After almost an hour we spent time at the top,
dengan berat hatinya nak turun.
Niat nak photoshoot kat bridge tu terbantut.
Because it was closed due to bad weather. Alaaaaaaaaaaaaa..
Hehe Allysha was looking at the cable car. Pelik ke darling?